Practicing What We Preach on Privacy

As a consumer privacy company, Confidently holds ourselves to the highest standards when safeguarding your data. We practice what we preach! Our users and customers deserve no less.

But what does that mean? Here’s how we live out our privacy values, every day:

  1. We’ve never sold user data—and we never will. We make this promise to every Confidently user—regardless of whether they're paying customers—in the Confidently Pledge:

    "We will hold any information you share with us in strictest confidence, keeping it safe and secure. And we will not sell your data to anyone or monetize your data in any way. Ever."

  2. We collect and store as little data as we can. Unlike most companies, our goal is not to build a massive profile on each customer. We only ask you for the data we need to serve you.

    Why do we ask for your phone number and mailing address? Because we need it to match you and then remove you from the databases of data brokers and people-search sites. But we will never ask you for data that we don’t need: The less data we collect, the better.

  3. We carefully secure the data that we do collect. We’re doing everything in our power to deter hackers from targeting us in the first place. But even if targeted, these measures will help us aggressively defend ourselves from any potential attack.

    Key measures include:

    ** Data-at-rest (information that is stored) is secured in a database which is physically disconnected from the external network, with tight access control via a virtual private cloud.

    ** Data-in-transit (information that is moving from one location to another) is encoded and sent/received via https sockets, enabling secure data transfer.

    ** For your protection, we don’t store sensitive data in Confidently’s own databases—including credit card numbers and data breach details. Our internal team has no access to this information. Compartmentalizing data also makes it much harder for hackers to build a complete profile on anyone.

    ** The personally identifiable information (PII) we do collect is securely stored with one of the world’s leading customer data management platforms. 

    ** We rigorously restrict internal access to PII. Only the key staffers that actually need to see your personal data have access to it. We review that access list frequently and delete access for people who no longer need it. Most of our privacy protection work is automated by our back-end software anyway, further limiting contact between staff members and your data.

  4. We empower every customer to take full advantage of their privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), no matter what state they live in—including with Confidently. Want to know what data we have collected on you? Want us to delete that data? You can send us a data rights request.

There’s much more we do behind the scenes to protect your privacy and ensure the security of your personal data, but these are the key privacy tenets we live by.

At Confidently, we believe you deserve privacy across your entire digital life—including your relationship with us.

Please email us with any questions, any time.

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